Zaragoza Logistics Center/MSF Joint Scholarship
Lunes, 07 de Febrero de 2011 17:00
Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) are awarding one full tuition scholarship for a qualified applicant with a background or experience in interacting with public health and/or humanitarian and development aid agencies in addition to an interest in pursuing a career in humanitarian logistics to undertake the MIT-Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program in the academic year 2011-2012. The scholarship holder must make a contractual commitment to work for Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) for a period of at least two years upon graduation of the ZLOG Program. Through this scholarship, the Foundation hopes to attract outstanding future leaders who can make a vital contribution to filling the capacity gap in humanitarian aid organizations for well-trained supply chain and logistics professionals dedicated to the field of health and humanitarian logistics. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international, independent, medical humanitarian aid organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, healthcare exclusion and natural or man-made disasters in more than 70 countries. MSF has been setting up emergency medical aid missions around the world since 1971. In countries where health structures are insufficient or even non-existent, MSF collaborates with authorities such as the Ministry of Health to provide assistance. MSF works in rehabilitation of hospitals and dispensaries, vaccination programs and water and sanitation projects and it also works in remote health care centers, slum areas and provides training of local personnel. All this is done with the objective of rebuilding health structures to acceptable levels. Finally, in carrying out humanitarian assistance, MSF seeks also to raise awareness of crisis situations. Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) partnered in 2003 with the Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL) at MIT to form the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program which is a unique research and education partnership that brings together the supply chain interests of academia, industry and government - all linked to the development of the largest logistics park in Europe, PLAZA. Through this education program, ZLC offers a master's degree modeled on the MIT's Master of Engineering in Logistics (MLOG) and that offers the unique combination of a world-class supply chain degree taught in a truly global setting; the Master of Engineering in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) program. Also, ZLC has a research group that focuses on global health and humanitarian logistics issues and this research group has had multiple joint project collaborations with MSF.Convocante:Fundación Zaragoza Logistics CenterPlazo:15-04-2011

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