La Jornada y la UNAM
DenDen • View topic - So... nothing to be scared of (swine flu)
Miércoles, 29 de Abril de 2009 20:25
... find a link to the news in English, but if you're interested, here's in Spanish: ... e=003n1pol ...
- Apr 29, 2009 by - 19 message - 11 author
Miércoles, 29 de Abril de 2009 09:42
[link to] They aren´t admitting the people with the symptoms because they don´t have so many beds. ...
- Apr 29, 2009 by - 15 message - 1 author
Fwd: DAD-Net: [New from GRAIN] A food system that kills - Swine ...
Miércoles, 29 de Abril de 2009 07:38
GOING FURTHER Silvia Ribeiro, "Epidemia de lucro," La Jornada, 28 April 2009: ...
druklivestock - Apr 29, 2009 by - 1 message - 1 author - View topic - "Influenza-like illness" in Mexico
Martes, 28 de Abril de 2009 20:49
... a good source on this, and the backstory on metapigfarms, for anyone who reads Spanish. ...
- Apr 28, 2009 by - 36 message - author
Deadly new flu breaks out in Mexico, U.S. - Page 7 - Military Photos
Martes, 28 de Abril de 2009 05:11 3. El Universal ...
- Apr 27, 2009 by - 4 message - 3 author
Alerta de Google: grupo-sur
Lunes, 27 de Abril de 2009 13:43
< 017n1pol> Google le ofrece esta alerta de Google una vez al día. ...
alertscivisurcom - Apr 27, 2009 by - 4 message - 1 author
Swine flu
Lunes, 27 de Abril de 2009 13:43
[] Growing old sucks. Options: Reply•Quote. Goto: Forum List• Message List•Search•Log In. Sorry, only registered users may ...
- Apr 26, 2009 by - 8 message - 3 author
The truth of what is happening in Mexico - Page 11
Lunes, 27 de Abril de 2009 11:26
[link to] Ssa: van 103 decesos y mil 614 hospitalizados por influenza. You have such an ego you cant admit your ...
- Apr 27, 2009 by - 13 message - 3 author
!!!! IS OBAMA ALIVE !!!!!
Lunes, 27 de Abril de 2009 02:10
Re: !!!! IS OBAMA ALIVE !!!!! Quote. The Archaeologist did not die from swine flu !!!! [link to] ...
- Apr 26, 2009 by - 31 message - 8 author
The truth of what is happening in Mexico - Page 2
Domingo, 26 de Abril de 2009 19:18
[link to] Jalapa, To see., 5 of April. Clouds of flies emanate of the oxidation lagoons where the company Carroll Farms ...
- Apr 26, 2009 by - 20 message - 3 author
Obama may have been exposed to Swine Flu? - Democratic Underground
Domingo, 26 de Abril de 2009 14:32 ---> The archaeologist and Director of the National Museum of Anthropology, ...
- Apr 26, 2009 by - 23 message - 10 author
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