April Fools' Day 2015: the best education pranks - Telegraph.co.uk
Miércoles, 01 de Abril de 2015 06:38
Telegraph.co.ukApril Fools' Day 2015: the best education pranksTelegraph.co.ukOxford University researchers raised false hopes that punting would become easier, when they reported that they were focussing their attention on developing a 'self driving punt'. They reported that the 'self-driving punt' was at prototype stage, and ...y más »

Leer más: Oxford university: Google Noticias



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Avi Loeb, astrofísico de Harvard: “Espero que los científicos en un futuro puedan discutir sobre la vida extraterrestre sin temor a ser acosados o ridiculizados”  infobae

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TECH Universidad Tecnológica renueva su acuerdo estratégico con Harvard Business Publishingv - Diario de Avisos
TECH Universidad Tecnológica renueva su acuerdo estratégico con Harvard Business Publishingv  Diario de Avisos

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