Google DeepMind Teaches Artificial Intelligence Machines to Read - MIT Technology Review
Miércoles, 17 de Junio de 2015 14:27
MIT Technology ReviewGoogle DeepMind Teaches Artificial Intelligence Machines to ReadMIT Technology ReviewThe best way for AI machines to learn is by feeding them huge data sets of annotated examples, and the Daily Mail has unwittingly created one. A revolution in artificial intelligence is currently sweeping through computer science. The technique is ...y más »

Leer más: MIT: Google Noticias



Crean nueva tela inteligente de materiales reciclados capaz de recordar su forma - NotiPress
Crean nueva tela inteligente de materiales reciclados capaz de recordar su forma  NotiPress

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Carlos Gonzalez marca y asiste en goleada de los Pumas UNAM - Hoy - Noticas de Paraguay y el Mundo.
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